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How did your practice go this week? Check yourself: 

How often did you practice this week?*

Select an option

When you practiced, how long did you practice?*

Select an option

Did your practice times meet the goals of your practice contract?*

Select an option

Did you practice in a quiet area?*

Select an option

Was your practice time free from distractions/interruptions?*

Select an option

Did you have a lot on your mind/did you feel pre-occupied while practicing?*

Select an option

Where did you practice?*

Select an option

How did you divide up your work?*

Select an option

While you worked, did you stop and fix trouble spots?*

Select an option

If yes, briefly describe how you fixed trouble spots

Did you practice with the metronome?*

Select an option

If yes, were you able to stay with the metronome?

Select an option

Do you feel you made progress this week?*

Select an option

How did you make sure you are prepared for this lesson?*

What would you like to do differently about your practice this next week?*

What would you like to address specifically during your lesson?*

Your Name*

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